My Pages

31 December 2007

absynthe antics

or is it spelt absinthe?

anyway, we bought a swiss bottle at bevmo. man, i should've paid less attention to the wormwood and more to the STAR ANISE thing! as our friend DeRa says, "(i'm) NOT a fan." man, i hate the taste of nyquil, good and plenty's, black vines or whatever the hell they're called and jägermeister.

in any case, for $60 a litre, we tried to do it right. we bought sugar cubes and 'spring water'. we maintained the 5:1 H20 to absinthe ratio. we got a glass and used a cocktail shaker strainer to hold the sugar cube, in place of the elusive 'absinthe spoon'. we carefully doused the sugar cube with a turkey baster full of water into the glass of absinthe.


i am STILL NOT A FAN OF BLACK JELLYBEANS. it made us warm, though.

"When diluted with water and a pinch of sugar, the absinthe’s taste is strong and pleasant. And the buzz has an odd way of focusing the mind — I’ve rarely been so entranced by the swish of a basketball net. " ---Brandon I. Koerner, New York Times

"It's as if every black jellybean we've ever thrown out came back to haunt us." ---AlSto, husband of venus

EPILOGUE: KeKi, my younger brother, bade farewell to his best friend, JoKa, this past weekend. JoKa is apparently going to the land of the rising sun for some law school shenanigans. lucky guy. in any case, my brother, who is the total antithesis of myself in terms of illegal living, informed me that they, too, had acquired a bottle of absinthe, from which all these law-abiding types partook. granted, they drank the s^*& STRAIGHT (read: no water to dilute, and no sugar), which i could not imagine in my wildest dreams. fortunately, my brother told me "i like black licorice," which made me shudder, but nonetheless reassured me, my brother's got a little subversiveness in him.

POSTSCRIPT: please check the entries on EROWID.COM regarding the legalities of this fine beverage, or ask JoKa about it in about six months or so...

24 December 2007

it's 24th December 2007...

venus' BEST MUSIC OF 2007 in alpha order

  • !!!: Myth Takes - Warp ~ MAN i wish i would've seen these guys live!
  • Arrested Development: Since the Last Time - Vagabond ~ SOOOO glad Speech and co. are back!
  • Band of Horses: Cease to Exist - Subpop ~ music that automatically makes me feel like it's a sunny day, even when they're singing about love and loss.
  • Battles: Mirrored - Warp ~ brilliant. almost about as close as seeing the Bays live, i think.
  • The Budos Band: II - Daptone ~ funky as hell, fantastic, and all live, baby.
  • Clutchy Hopkins: The Life of Clutchy Hopkins - Ubiquity ~ shawn lee's genius alter ego, and dare i say, even more brilliant.
  • Fujiya and Miyagi: Transparent Things - Deaf Dumb & Blind ~ three guys on db's (of Breakbeat Science fame) label. electronic and original.
  • Grand National: A Drink & A Quick Decision - Recall ~ oh sh&* these guys are fantastic.
  • Karizma: A Mind of Its Own - !K7 ~ just when i thought i had lost hope in dance music...
  • Kenna: Make Sure They See My Face - Interscope/Star Trax ~ made this jaded music lover believe again. hell, it made me LOVE AGAIN.
  • Long Range: Madness and Me - Beat ~ a little bit o' ORBITAL brilliance. love it.
  • Mark Ronson: Versions - RCA~ he's talented, young, and has a helluva band.
  • Meat Puppets: Rise to Your Knees - Anodyne ~ welcome baaaaaaaaaack!
  • Motor: Unhuman - Mute ~ oh, SHIT.
  • Paul Hartnoll: The Ideal Condition - ACP ~ absolutely lovely. now, how about a license agreement for virgin america?
  • Soulsavers: It's Not How Far You Fall, It's How You Land - Columbia ~ i swear to g.d it's MARK LANEGAN of screaming trees and oh my g.d it's good!
  • Tom Middleton: Lifetracks - Six Degrees ~ the brains of inland knights with an album that is close to perfection.
  • Ungdomskulen: Cry-Baby - Ever ~ hands down, the BEST CMJ SHOW this year. you could hear everyone concur outside the venue after the show.
  • Various Artists: Waveform Transmissions Vol. 1 - Waveform ~ welcome back, forest and WAVEFORM! g.d i missed you!
  • VHS or Beta: Bring on the Comets - Astralwerks ~ just cos they're at the end of the alphabet doesn't mean they are any less good.

    VERY HONOURABLE mentions go out to two dance music veterans who i am SO glad still put out new records:
  • Chemical Brothers: We Are The Night - Astralwerks
  • Underworld: Oblivion with Bells - ATO

    Music i wish i had heard before 2007
  • Dirt Nap: Love Songs for Short Term Friends - Anodyne
  • Elliott Smith: New Moon - Kill Rock Stars

    17 December 2007

    Grievances Part Due (that's two.) 2007

    • WEBSITES THAT HAVE PULLDOWN MENUS and other search parameters that don't work.
    • MYSPACE SEARCH: is a piece of crap. see above. try it for fact, look for yourself and see if myspace will find you.

    13 December 2007

    Airing/Posting/Blogging of Grievances 2007

    "i have a lot of problems with you people!" --- Frank Costanza, founder of festivus

    in honour of FESTIVUS i would like to invite everyone who cares to to air your grievances here!

    just click on comments and have at it. grievances can have any origin, be it work-related, school, home, society, politics, humanity, etc. etc.

    and to get things started, i would like to offer my contribution, to which i reserve the right to add to and modify at any time!

    this is how i've been disappointed this year:
    • those STICK-FIGURE FAMILIES IN ACRYLIC STICKER FORM that adorn the backs of many family-type vehicles in southern california.
    • SCION OWNERS who think they have way more horsepower than they really do, and/or think they are entitled to not follow the rules of the road... esp. that white one that nearly drove us off the road at the northbound harbor blvd. exit from the 91 fwy, and the dick who drove on the shoulder tonight and slipped into the space we had left open for a dude who wanted to turn left in front of us out of a strip mall...thanks to you, scion, the dude gave up and turned right into traffic. scions are my number two hated car, due to their drivers, next to CAMRYS.
    • PROGRESSIVE INSURANCE ADJUSTERS suck, even tho the company in general, and their websites, rock.
    • SCREEN/FILM PRODUCERS & EVERYONE ELSE WHO IS REFUSING TO COOPERATE with the screenwriters on this strike thing...
    • 'ACTORS' AND 'TALENT OF SCREEN AND FILM who refuse to take a little less money out of their millions and millions of dollars so there is a little more to go around.
    • WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON, for not admitting that you like barack obama way more than you like your wife. i'm not saying you love him more than your wife; i think you just like him more. i still like you, tho.
    • "LET ME LET ME LET ME UPGRADE YAAAAA!" Beyoncé and DirecTV. enough said.

    ok more to come!

    09 December 2007


    i know, i know. you are skeptical. you think, there is NO WAY IN HELL it's the same MARIO'S PERUVIAN RESTAURANT as on Melrose and Vine, next to the Radio Shack and Popeye's, across the street from that church. there is absolutely no way it is the same saltado de ______, the same ceviche mixto, the same inka cola, for chrissakes.

    then, you pull into a parking lot across from a steinmart and a mexican restaurant, next to a burger place, on the intersection of IMPERIAL HIGHWAY and SANTA GERTRUDES in la mirada. the place looks like an old Coco's Restaurant, which in fact, it IS. you walk up to the door, and there is no queue of ravenous mario's lovers. you walk inside and you're greeted by a manager guy in beige shirt and slacks. you're seated in what definitely used to be a Coco's Restaurant. then, they hand you the menu...

    YES! it is the same menu, pale yellow in colour, laminated, with the peruvian carving/design on the cover with the black block lettering. you're thinking, "hmmm, could this possibly be the same mario's?" YES, it is the SAME saltado, ceviche, and inka cola...and the flan...except, NO HOUR LONG+ WAIT FOR A TABLE! in fact, the food is as fast as the original store, but there are many, many empty tables waiting for you to fill!

    i have gone to the original location for over ten years now. i have travelled from my home in orange county to the original location in hollywood. i used to bring it home on occasion, condensation on the inside of the styrofoam container, devouring my bread after dipping it in the perfectly spicy green sauce on the drive home. NOW, it is YOUR turn to take a little drive to Mario's in La Mirada. you won't regret it. oh, but don't forget to ask for some lemon.,-117.997284&spn=0.241865,0.450439&z=11&om=1&msid=115329167909327958751.000440d5fd0e73fbbce2a