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05 June 2011

A Physician Ahead of Our Time: RIP Dr. Jack Kevorkian

"No man who is occupied in doing a very difficult thing, and doing it very well, ever loses his self-respect." - from George Bernard Shaw

even from a young age, i always thought doctors were hardcore that i knew i could never be able to make it through med i wrote off that possibility pretty early on in my life. one of the most hardcore of the hardcore physicians i had ever learned about, and wish i had had the privilege to know, is Dr. Jack Kevorkian, who passed away on Friday 3 June 2011, reportedly listening to Bach. (i wonder, which piece it was... !!?)

if you know me, you know i'm pretty good at placing high expectations on people, especially those who serve others. why shouldn't i, and why shouldn't they have high expectations of themselves? this is why i was blown away by every detail i ever learned about Dr. Kevorkian, from his interest in transfusing blood from dead to live soldiers in the field, and his photography of patients' eyes to determine the exact moment of death, to his fantastic artwork, and finally his most recent battles with U.S. society regarding euthanasia. he had a lot of vision and dared to consider ideas and ask questions which i feel were mistaken as morbid, inappropriate and bordering on human vivisection. if anything, Dr. Jack was a pretty astute publicity and PR user, and i think he should've been nicknamed 'Dr. Dying' and not 'Dr. Death'.

btw i woke up late and i gotta go to work for an hour or so so i will post reference links later...

03 June 2011

MUSIC: CHLLNGR's eerie video makes their song even better.

i really dig BLK JKS and THE VERY BEST. so, learning that Mpupi Mo of the former and Mo Laudi of latter had a hand in remixing this CHLLNGR track really got me excited!

CHLLNGR "Ask For" from CHLLNGR on Vimeo.

According to the Vimeo description, the video was
"filmed in a Danish forest two hours outside of Copenhagen, Bjorn Stig Hansen and Steven Jess Borth II had only one bright light and one camera to make this happen in a period of two summer nights."
i wanna go to Denmark now.

HUGE thanks to the fine folks at TERRORBIRD MEDIA, especially Tim, for sending along this bit of brilliance!

02 June 2011

this is gorgeous!

my god, i'm speechless...Kuroi-Tsuki san, you are a master. (his name means 'black moon' in Japanese, btw...)

Venture by *Kuroi-Tsuki on deviantART

"It's about the beauty of failure. It's about that failure happens to all of us... Every character is not only flawed, but sucks at what they do, and is beautiful at it and Jackson and I suck at what we do, and we try to be beautiful at it, and failure is how you get by... It shows that failure's funny, and it's beautiful and it's life, and it's okay, and it's all we can write because we are big... failures." -Doc Hammer

Kuroi-Tsuki goes on to say: "I love Venture Bros with a passion, it's one of the most amazing comedies out there. If you're not a fan, you're really missing out. Anyway, I can't wait for Season 5."

and ROCK ON, Dr. O!!! woo! huge thanks to THE MANTIS-EYE EXPERIMENT for turning me on to this.

01 June 2011

sausage fattener plugin by dadalife

be sure to watch @1:11 -
"that sound is super fat...and that's because of this guy's face."

many thanks to JusKle at REPHLEKTOR INK for this cool bit of software news.

'a grip' and its equivalent...

AlHo told us his classmates in Kansas didn't know what he meant when he referred to 'a grip' of something.

and then, i saw this today on POST SECRET: an F.T. - that's a lot, right? (i wish i knew who/what the secret-submitter was referring to... i don't know if he/she knows what he/she is talking about...)