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31 December 2011

some of my favourite music of 2011

i just have a few minutes so here is the start of my list, in two word description form

3:33 : EP1 on Parallel Thought - brilliant sounds
Amon Tobin : ISAM on Ninja Tune - groundbreaking, original
Anna Calvi: Anna Calvi on Domino - dark guitar
Joker: The Vision on 4AD - beyond dubstep
Stephen Malkmus and the Jicks: Mirror Traffic on Matador - totally underrated

it's two minutes until i'll post my BIG LABEL and HONORABLE MENTIONS in a few....

thanks for reading!  :))

12 December 2011

some of the best stuff i've heard lately: JOKER

Joker's BACK IN THE DAYS - gorgeous song with brilliant rap and an absolutely captivating vocal line:

all i can say is, you've got to hear his instrumental stuff, too.

and IF this is dubstep, then yes, i DO love dubstep. but, it's more like the SOUNDS are dubstep, but this songwriting and production go WAY beyond...

03 December 2011

donors may receive compensation for bone marrow

THANK YOU, Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals! In a December 1, 2011 ruling, the three justice panel ruled that compensation may be allowed for bone marrow extracted from a donor's blood through a process called apheresis (as opposed to the usual method via extraction through one's hip known as aspiration). The LA Times states that although the 9th Circuit extends to nine states, this is the first federal ruling of its kind and may extend to the entire country. Please see the DOREEN FLYNN ET. AL. v. ERIC HOLDER ruling on the