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01 November 2013

move ON, electronic music tourists!

i shudder to use the term 'EDM' and i am suspicious of anyone who uses it.

i've yet to read Matthew Adell (ceo of Beatport)'s Ask Me Anything but that guy has dance music in his heart and blood. for now.

electronic music was here before downloads, and will remain here after these irresponsible trendy dubstep-loving co-opters go away. these days, it's as if people don't remember the first dance music wave (as we currently know it) that hit in the early part of the century. remember trance music? it too subsided, but the undercurrent remained. and back then, there was Las Vegas but 'twas nothing like the LAS VEGAS of today...

so i ♥ you, Matthew Adell! and thanks to Digital Music News for the above quote,  in response to some idiot who tried to politely state how electronic music is a fad.

21 October 2013

Sound Programming: Specialty Music Services - CMJ Music Marathon 2013 Conference Panel

this past week, i had the privilege of moderating a panel called"Sound Programming: Specialty Music Services" at College Music Journal's (CMJ) annual music marathon conference. the panel took place on Wednesday October 16th, 11:00 AM–12:00 PM at NYU's Kimmel Center, Room 406, 60 Washington Square South New York, NY 10012. the panel was described this way:

"Music played on airplanes, in stores, restaurants, and sports venues is usually programmed by professional specialty music services. Get a better understanding on the lesser-known opportunities to promote and market your music, from different business models and programming to the submission and review process for respective channels."

From R to L: Brian (Columbia Records); v; Heather (Vapor Music); Dan (Man Made Music); Dean (Play Networks).

01 August 2013

and now something for the entomophagists...

for all your bug-based protein dietary needs, i give you the home tabletop bug incubator. it's like having a farm on your countertop!

24 July 2013

VIDEO: Detroit Techno IS Important to the World!

First installment of SUB.Culture's Detroit series documents the Movement festival, formerly known as Detroit Electronic Music Festival or DEMF. Via
One day, i will be there!

23 July 2013

‘Portrait’ is a series of portraits representing an identity of a movie. A custom software detects faces from every 24 frames of a movie, and creates an average face of all found faces. The composite image reflects the centric figure(s) and the visual mood of the movie. by Shinseungback Kimyonghun via my friend KaMa.

24 May 2013

Operation Swill uncovers NJ restaurants serving fraudulent liquor

(AP Photo/Julio Cortez)

Thursday, May 23, 2013, in Trenton, N.J. : "Operation Swill" news conference reported how 29 bars and restaurants in New Jersey were accused of replacing premium brand liquor with cheap booze and selling sub-par liquor at premium prices.

Thirteen of the restaurants cited are TGI Fridays located in central and northern New Jersey.

See the map to see findings of the investigation.  Story via NPR and Los Angeles Daily News.

13 May 2013

albums made of laser-cut wood instead of vinyl

i only hope the record companies/artists don't come after this clever lady for infringing on master rights! BTW all instructions on how to make are posted online on INSTRUCTABLES.

Radiohead - Idioteque - Laser Cut Wood Record from Amanda Ghassaei on Vimeo.

21 March 2013

Premium British Beer...from Iron Maiden

they even have tap plates/tap handles with the label!??

07 March 2013

VIDEO: Brandt Brauer Frick

one day i will see these guys play live. in the meantime, watch this!

08 February 2013

one half of Nothing to Hide


There are a few edits on this video that could cause skepticism/speculation, but this is still a great 'trick'.

07 February 2013

Christopher Dorner deserved better

i know people will not like to hear this, but i feel Christopher Dorner was treated unfairly and the LAPD should take a look at themselves about this matter...even if it means they are vilified for once in their entire history. and before you get the wrong idea, i am NOT NOT NOT supporting killing or killers. it's just...i take my name seriously, too, because sometimes it's all we have.

on a completely different topic entirely, how great of a song is this?