My Pages

11 November 2008

is this racist?

So i found a blog through another blog today that i immediately shared with my half-white, half-Latina coworker. We both thought it was hilarious...but is it? i feel, well, kinda guilty for laughing. And then i feel guilty for feeling guilty. AlSto, WaDi, ErWa, RoNo, could you all weigh in?

It's called STUFFWHITEPEOPLELIKE.COM. i dunno if it is written by white people.

BTW did you watch James Lipton be interviewed by host Dave Chappelle on Inside the Actor's Studio last night? Funny stuff.


  1. if the kkk registers a 10 on the racist-o-meter and jesse jackson registers a 1,... i would say that "Stuff White People Like" might register a 3. On the one hand it generalizes on account of race, and on the other hand, it doesn't appear to offend any reasonable people.

    here is the Wikipedia article:

  2. i didn't think it was racist at all, but it made me feel a little bit like a jerk for liking those things, but that's my own fault for having white guilt. i mean i like wu tang and yet i admit i like nelly -- i like hummus but i wouldn't complain about the pork juice -- i'm not offended....
