My Pages

20 December 2008

Catz n Dogz @ Infidelity in Culver City

arrived @ 1.00ish am, the doorgirl didn't pay attention...we all should've walked in w/o paying...but only JaHe did. cool space, looks like a loft/business/bar/architect or drafting office?

for the first hour or so Catz n Dogz ran ableton live on two vaio laptops, each with an evolution midi 'control surface'. good show, but a weird hollywood-y crowd. we left @ 3.30 cos they started to play too much vocal stuff...and let's face it, we're old.

18 December 2008

Flying Lotus @ the Airliner

free show with nice doorman named Dan. crowded club, a lot of white indie kids who didn't or couldn't dance. the house sound guy was on the stage, next to the performers. there were two EV speakers, one faced in as a monitor and one faced out. crazy.

flying lotus is rumoured to be john coltrane's nephew? he played an 'ambient set' at first with ableton live on a powerbook through a roland **25, with a harpist who just played glissandos and really kinda sucked. my apologies to AlSto and JaHe for another live show that was only MEH.

12 December 2008

MUSIC: XX Teens - Welcome to Goon Island

if you know me, you know i usually pass on the punk music, thank you. but, every so often there is a record that sounds like DFA Records catalogue thrown in a blender with the Fall, with a dash of punk thrown in. that's what this record sounds like, and i kinda like it.

06 December 2008

why i hate Enterprise Rent A Car


if you know me, you may have been aware of my ongoing issue with Enterprise Rent a Car since this past April. i won't post the entire chain of correspondence stupidity here, since i am elated to announce that i took them to small claims court, and WON!!!

in a nutshell: i rented a car, the power steering broke and leaked all over my street, they gave me a replacement car, rented me a car one more time weeks later, then sent me an $1800.00 bill, accusing me of damage they claim i caused. i pleaded with them over the course of six months to hear me out and consider evidence that i had not damaged the car...i asked them for some official policies, estimates, proof and other records which they never sent me...they sent me to collections...and finally, i filed a case in small claims court, for the amount i refused to pay.

the judge ruled i should drop the case, on the stipulation that Enterprise: 1) does not sue me regarding this matter, and 2) takes me off their collections list. Enterprise agreed.

hurray! huzzah! calloo-callay!!!!

WTF is!!!

i don't know how they did it, but PIPL.COM is suddenly appearing in a boatload of my searches, just in the past 48 hours. go ahead, try it. and, you don't necessarily need to look for names.

what the f*&^ IS, and how and why can they can see my freaking facebook profile!!!???

05 December 2008

World Music Awards 2008


Many thanks to ChriCa for this one!

03 December 2008

Free TiVO cookie cutter!?

First, NPR buttons, and now TiVO is giving away cookie cutters!