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06 December 2008

why i hate Enterprise Rent A Car


if you know me, you may have been aware of my ongoing issue with Enterprise Rent a Car since this past April. i won't post the entire chain of correspondence stupidity here, since i am elated to announce that i took them to small claims court, and WON!!!

in a nutshell: i rented a car, the power steering broke and leaked all over my street, they gave me a replacement car, rented me a car one more time weeks later, then sent me an $1800.00 bill, accusing me of damage they claim i caused. i pleaded with them over the course of six months to hear me out and consider evidence that i had not damaged the car...i asked them for some official policies, estimates, proof and other records which they never sent me...they sent me to collections...and finally, i filed a case in small claims court, for the amount i refused to pay.

the judge ruled i should drop the case, on the stipulation that Enterprise: 1) does not sue me regarding this matter, and 2) takes me off their collections list. Enterprise agreed.

hurray! huzzah! calloo-callay!!!!


  1. Hi! I know this is in reply to a really old post of yours, but I have a question. What "venue" did you take Enterprise to Court in? Was in locally? Federal? Or what? Also, do I sue the Corporate office? Or the local Enterprise branch? It seems that I myself have to take them to Court for 172.91 and am just not sure of the process. So, I thank you very much for your time and I look forward to hearing from you! Have a great day.

