20 December 2008
Catz n Dogz @ Infidelity in Culver City
for the first hour or so Catz n Dogz ran ableton live on two vaio laptops, each with an evolution midi 'control surface'. good show, but a weird hollywood-y crowd. we left @ 3.30 cos they started to play too much vocal stuff...and let's face it, we're old.
18 December 2008
Flying Lotus @ the Airliner
flying lotus is rumoured to be john coltrane's nephew? he played an 'ambient set' at first with ableton live on a powerbook through a roland **25, with a harpist who just played glissandos and really kinda sucked. my apologies to AlSto and JaHe for another live show that was only MEH.
12 December 2008
MUSIC: XX Teens - Welcome to Goon Island
06 December 2008
why i hate Enterprise Rent A Car
if you know me, you may have been aware of my ongoing issue with Enterprise Rent a Car since this past April. i won't post the entire chain of correspondence stupidity here, since i am elated to announce that i took them to small claims court, and WON!!!
in a nutshell: i rented a car, the power steering broke and leaked all over my street, they gave me a replacement car, rented me a car one more time weeks later, then sent me an $1800.00 bill, accusing me of damage they claim i caused. i pleaded with them over the course of six months to hear me out and consider evidence that i had not damaged the car...i asked them for some official policies, estimates, proof and other records which they never sent me...they sent me to collections...and finally, i filed a case in small claims court, for the amount i refused to pay.
the judge ruled i should drop the case, on the stipulation that Enterprise: 1) does not sue me regarding this matter, and 2) takes me off their collections list. Enterprise agreed.
hurray! huzzah! calloo-callay!!!!
WTF is pipl.com???!!!
what the f*&^ IS pipl.com, and how and why can they can see my freaking facebook profile!!!???
05 December 2008
World Music Awards 2008
Many thanks to ChriCa for this one!
03 December 2008
Free TiVO cookie cutter!?
in case you haven't seen this
26 November 2008

21 November 2008
The Soup & Cupcakes & Hamburger Mary
then it was off to Hamburger Mary's in Hollywood for a meal and some drag queen-hosted karaoke...VERY fun, but i hate to sing in front of people i don't know, so i didn't. But, our waiter Jerry was a cutie.
anyway, be sure to watch the episode that airs this week!!!
20 November 2008
Personal timelines as social networks?
"I have a terrible memory, especially when it comes to when things happened. Significant life events - like graduating and 9/11 - are all landmarks that help me remember when events occurred relative to them (i.e., "that was before I moved to California.") But there are still long periods of my past that are just a big amorphous blur - especially before I started using a computer every day.
"As a result, I've always been fascinated with digital timelines as a memory aid and reference: the ones that occur as artifacts of other activities (like our sent email folder and digital photo collection), and the ones we can purposefully construct for historical documentation."
She goes on to tout the merits of a widget called TIMELINE which as morphed into something i don't quite understand, and worse, i do not think i want to use. There are others, such as DANDELIFE, FREE TIMELINE, and ALL OF ME. There is also OUR STORY, and the lamely named TIME RIME and DIPITY.
All this got me thinking about, how come there are so many damn timeline sites, and only a couple of them show up in google searches, and how come only a few haven't prevailed by now, and none of them have the features i am looking for??!! i know everyone is thinking about ideas for startups, so how come no one has started up one ideal timeline that does or maybe doesn't incorporate all of our online stuff (blah blah yet another thing to connect to MySpace, Facebook, google this and picasa that...)? What i'm after is something that automatically saves my status updates or Twittrs (since they somewhat document my goings-on), and that all my friends can contribute to while having their own timelines...not a timeline that i have to look at separately from my own! Because, after all, my friends and family's timelines are intrinsically connected with my own life...so why would i want to separate them? (With the exception of some things, of course, which i should be able to determine with an easy on or off privacy thing...)
11 November 2008
Nic Harcourt leaving KCRW?
What a dream job! How cool would it be to put a few hours of music together, crafting tracks chosen by you, each day? There have been times when i thought, jesus, what an artist...cos Harcourt would completely get on a roll and transport me out of my car in a simple 20 minute set. i remember having aspirations to be music director of just a small college station (which i managed to do for a short while), let alone any local FM station...but to be at KCRW??!!! Holy smokes. i think music is one of the only things i absolutely love to give and take and give again (forgive me, AlSto)...although some of my friends may say i force it on them...It's like falling in love a little bit every month or year or whenever you hear something awesome. And wouldn't you want to tell everyone you know about your new love!!!???
i still miss Tom Schnabel...but i try to catch him every so often on the weekends.
is this racist?
So i found a blog through another blog today that i immediately shared with my half-white, half-Latina coworker. We both thought it was hilarious...but is it? i feel, well, kinda guilty for laughing. And then i feel guilty for feeling guilty. AlSto, WaDi, ErWa, RoNo, could you all weigh in?
It's called STUFFWHITEPEOPLELIKE.COM. i dunno if it is written by white people.
BTW did you watch James Lipton be interviewed by host Dave Chappelle on Inside the Actor's Studio last night? Funny stuff.
04 November 2008
Free stuff from Starbucks, Krispy Kreme, Ben & Jerry's for voters on election day? NOT...?!!
turns out that places may be welcome to give stuff away to anyone who asks for it...but doing otherwise may be considered VOTER BRIBERY. or not.
01 November 2008
No on Prop. 8...but i guess not in Orange County
today, coming back from SuperMex on Harbor and Orangethorpe, there were at least two groups on opposing corners of every majour intersection on Orangethorpe between Harbor and Magnolia. the good news, is, NO ONE honked in support. each interection was silent. and, i married a couple today in South County, and one of the best men was from Van Nuys and he said that he had only seen his first yes on 8 signs here, in o.c. today.
and, last night, we spoke to a neighbour we had never spoken to before, on our street...and he thanked us for having our NO ON PROP. 8 sign up! how cool is that? i believe he even said we had guts or courage or something like that.
Venture Brothers cocktail: Sam in a Sweater?
But which novel?? Thanks to MicroBob on Vegas Drinking Prop Bet for the only reference to this drink that i could find...on YAHOO, no less!! Suck it, Googler purists..."...Then you could start making up your own drinks like telling the bartender to make you a 'Sam in a Sweater'.
Bartender: "Ummm, WTF is that?"
"Well, you take 2 parts vodka, mix in some triple-sec, diet Cherry Dr. Pepper and a touch of cream and blend it with ice. Teeny umbrella garnish is optional. Do you have any curly/ bendy straws at least?"
[the idea of screwing with a bartender and ordering a drink that you made up on the spot is borrowed from a novel]"
In any case, i have found a few sweater-based cocktail recipes, but none of them seem to have anything in common. AlSto assumed, based on Dr. Venture's rather disgusting drink preferences, that this one would be no exception.
ERIN'S SWEATER is a 3-to-2 mix of Blue Curacao and chocolate liqueur, shaken and served over ice cubes in a champagne saucer!!!??? Thanks to drinkswap.com for this one. There is also the YELLOW SWEATER (with short sleeves) as given by barmeister.com: 1 oz. vodka, 3/4 oz. creme de banana, and 1/2 oz lime juice. Mix and strain.
With ice, i presume...???
30 October 2008
Whas' Behind Wassup: Info about the creator/director
The success of his music videos and short film opened the door to directing his first feature film, Paid in Full. Meanwhile, True was still an underground hit circulating from one person to the other on shared VHS tapes when it landed in the Chicago offices of advertising agency DDB Needham whose creative directors imagined using the film’s characters for another purpose.
In 2000, on the eve of Bush being elected, together with DDB Needham, Charles ended up creating and starring in (he’s the first guy lying on the couch) a series of Budweiser Whassup?! spots that became an international sensation and garnered the most prestigious awards. More on the WASSUP 2008 website.
28 October 2008
early voting experience in Orange County, CA
we went to the Main Place Mall in Santa Ana. D'OH! HUGE line. it really only turned out to be an hour wait, from arrival to when we gave our name. i'm sure many people got the same treatment: long line; requests for i.d. even though only first-time voters were technically required to supply i.d. as proof of residence (in fairness to the lady typing in our name, i'm sure she was just tired of asking over and over, "K-I-G...what? Could you slow down? Okay, one more time, K-I-T...??!"); broken equipment, etc. etc.
i did spend nearly the entire time chatting with a sweet older Vietnamese couple, and a librarian from the Placentia school district named Joy. the interesting thing was, to talk about 'meaningful' stuff with another person you barely just met, while trying to keep one's own political inclinations to oneself. i was, after all, in Orange County!
oh yeah, and we went by the Central Orange County Democrats' HQ on 2020 Chapman Ave. in the city of Orange, before we went to vote, to pick up a NO ON PROP. 8 lawn sign. all was pretty quiet there, but there were nice workers, in any case. and a man, sitting in a car, who AlSto was convinced was a cop.
Sonya Naugle
In case you wanna call her and bug her:
Sonya Naugle 610-944-6832 http://www.ndptf.org/custom/events/eventSearch/searchResults.cfm?state=PA
27 October 2008
Jon Hamm's John Ham
i think it was one of the best episodes, overall, this season. But, tell me why everyone cheered when Mr. Sterling entered the room, but not for Peggy, who was seated at the table??!
oh yeah, i thought Coldplay did a good job, too!
24 October 2008
you can taste Change or you can taste Straight Talk
BASKIN-ROBBINS has special election-themed ice cream flavours! you can choose from 'Whirl of Change' flavour or 'Straight Talk Crunch'.
Thanks to Mickey Kaus' blog on Slate.com for turning me on to this one...
African Swim on Adult Swim
so i'm fast-forwarding past the commercials while watching the VENTURE BROTHERS last night, and i stumble upon a trailer of a crew of rappers dancing onstage like i've never seen before. i hit play and rewind and learn it's a promo for a new area on the Adult Swim website, called AFRICAN SWIM.
(BTW in case you can't see it, the above is supposed to be an mp3 player of African Swim music, with shitty embed code supplied by the shitty website...)
of course, African Swim is completely buried in the "looks-like-i'm-stuck-in-a-tween-stickerbook-and-vomiting-ADD-drugs" craphole known as the Adult Swim website.
i also hate not being able to embed videos from the stupid site. all this being said, if you wanna see something like you've never seen before, check all the videos. to see some incredible dancing, check the JOZI video first!
23 October 2008
Wii Music and Super Mario Brothers Theme
Pure nostalgia.
22 October 2008
10 October 2008
one more thing...
if anything, this post is to remind me of a countertenor i recently discovered, who also happened to be a contestant on TOP DESIGN. his name is WISIT PRAPONG, and he has a fantastic instrument!!!!
i miss Warrick Brown.
and where is Gary Dourdan now? i just discovered he's in a band called KOLADE, although his myspace hasn't been updated in a while. the music isn't bad...well, the beats are pretty good, at least.
04 October 2008
Detour Festival in Downtown Los Angeles
"No more hassling with food tickets… go cashless! It’s the "Event Card!" Similar to an ATM/Debit card, fans can buy dollar amounts on the card for the purchase of food, beverage, and Official Merchandise at the event. All unused money left on the card will be refunded when you leave… it’s that easy.To improve efficiency, Event Cards will be available each at locations throughout the venue. Save yourself some time inside and get an Event Card while you are waiting for the gates to open. The main refund booth will be directly inside the front gate. If you have any questions on The Event Card system, feel free contact us at eventcards@yahoo.com."
In the past, they had scheduled the dance area in a church down the street (which had the worst acoustics for amplified electronic music) the first year, and a pavilion area off to the side of the main strip (which is actually Main Street), but this year, the music was up a flight of stairs to a main building of City Hall.

It sounded pretty good, tho, and if you looked up, there were engraved quotes from Abraham Lincoln displayed across the face of the building above the stage where the DJs stood. Imagine a bunch of people dancing in here:

01 October 2008
YAY! Michael Cera rules. and he cusses!
That's what Michael Cera says after his and his friend Clark Duke's script is rejected by a TV network on their made-for-internet series. Although you can see each episode on Youtube, strangely, i can only find episode 1 (the one i mentioned above) on clarkandmichael.com . i learned about the series after hearing a pretty good interview with Cera on FRESH AIR. [Here's the podcast. Listen about halfway through.]
So here's episode 2 from clarkandmichael.com . FUNNY stuff.
30 September 2008
Obama '08 Vinyl Car/Window Decal
MAX GRAPHIX will make you a large vinyl window decal for your car, postage included, for ten dollars. he/she is also an OBAMA SUPPORTER so some of the funds will go to the campaign.
he ships very quickly and it arrives in a paper tube so it doesn't get damaged.
26 September 2008
Better(?) Timewasting Through Morphthing
it's called MORPHTHING and you can even upload your own photos, cos there aren't a lot that i'd like to morph... i've found Benicio del Toro doesn't go so well with the other faces.
and in case you're wondering, this is Yoda with the Dalai Lama:

25 September 2008
MUSIC: TV on the Radio - Dear Science
You won't be disappointed if you're looking to hear their characteristic guitar effects, electronic percussion and accents, multi-layered vocals and falsetto loveliness [try the first single Crying]. A few tunes have string and horn in arrangements, sounding very afro-popesque, with long breaks like Manu Dibango. The whole thing sounds a lot more, um, POP. (Is THAT what they mean by 'accessible'?) When i mean by that is, they've always had harmonies and melodies, but these songs just sound way more structured, more light...less abstract and not so bleak or somber...but there ARE a few tunes like that as well [Love Dog].
i've liked the last two records "Desperate Youth, Blood Thirsty Babes" and "Return to Cookie Mountain" a lot...and i've yet to catch them live. Hopefully, i will this time around. If you know my husband AlSto you know how much he likes them, too. Please give a listen and let me know what you think...
SeeqPod - Playable Search
24 September 2008
Bruce Weber, obituary writer
Now, after reading this, i'm going to read more than just the famous people's obits in the NYT!
23 September 2008
Pan AKA Panguingue
Pan was supposed to be a pretty big game in old school Las Vegas. i don't know if any casinos offer it any more. in any case, here are the RULES OF PAN, and the US Playing Card Company RULES too (scroll all the way down to the bottom).
22 September 2008
i love Aaron Sorkin.
OBAMA So what about hope? Chuck it for outrage and put-downs?
BARTLET No. You’re elite, you can do both. Four weeks ago you had the best week of your campaign, followed — granted, inexplicably — by the worst week of your campaign. And you’re still in a statistical dead heat. You’re a 47-year-old black man with a foreign-sounding name who went to Harvard and thinks devotion to your country and lapel pins aren’t the same thing and you’re in a statistical tie with a war hero and a Cinemax heroine. To these aged eyes, Senator, that’s what progress looks like. You guys got four debates. Get out of my house and go back to work.
Read the entire conversation between Barack Obama and President Josiah "Jed" Bartlet, written by Aaron Sorkin and courtesy of Maureen Dowd at the New York Times.
17 September 2008
MEH: Bar Louie Anaheim and Anaheim 300 Bowling
Anaheim 300 had crap music but cool atmosphere, and a fairly friendly bartender and staff. it's eerie to be in any establishment where the staff outnumbers the number of customers...but it's also eerie to be in a bowling alley where there is no characteristic ==CRASH!== of bowling pins in the background. drinks were decent, but expensive. they had a menu, but we decided to pass cos we were going to go back and grab some food at Bar Louie...
Bar Louie had crappier music, and overly-friendly employees. with websites and local newspapers originally declaring a June/July 2008 start, months and months of delays led to this evening's rather soft opening. in fact, one bartender made a statement as to how we were 'popping his cherry' as his first drinks customers. gross.
silverware and menus abounded on each table, but SURPRISE! there is no food being served until next week. also, i liked seeing the Stone brewery coasters on each counter but SURPRISE AGAIN! there was no Stone beer brew anywhere on the menu.
the few other customers stopping by appeared to be friends of the working employees, or perhaps they were off-duty employees themselves. in any case, they were all chatting away amongst themselves like it was a big ol' get-together. with us sitting in a corner booth.
neither bar offered any drinks specials, nor any bonus for us being the only and/or first customers of the evening.
yeah, this entire area was pretty freaking dead on a Wednesday night. but if you go to the Anaheim Gardenwalk, you'll see the potential of the place, which is reminiscent of the Hollywood and Highland setup of upscale boutiques mixed with bougie-ass chain restaurants (in this case: Cheesecake Factory, Bubba Gump Shrimp Co., California Pizza Kitchen). there are a lot of pretty lights and blah blah blah.
there's even a totally independent but blatant rip-off of Jamba Juice who grants parking validation. but whatever you do, beware of the parking! none of the elevators take you to all the levels you want to go to. most of the shopping area is ABOVE the parking. and the signs are not very helpful. oh, and the garage is quite conducive to one's re-enacting the parking garage episode of Seinfeld, whether you are drunk or not...but if you are drunk, pay very close attention to where you started and where you want to go or you'll never get there.
16 September 2008
Silent Raving Not Only LOOKS Stupid...
i just heard this story on NPR about people who are getting together to dance to their own music, while listening to iPods or whatever... some 17 year old said something about "all dancing together, but individually..." what's the point? aren't we all dancing around to our own music together, but individually at work, home, school, etc. at any given time?
i remember, how at the Glastonbury Festival, they had a silent dance tent. i LIKE this idea, where everyone listened to the SAME MUSIC but had headphones on so it was totally quiet for everyone who didn't have the headphones:
call me old-fashioned but yeah, i'm the idealist who thinks that raves are for bringing people together...through the communal experience of music. otherwise, there is no difference between listening to music in your own bubble of an automobile, and what they did in NY/Boston's silent rave.
12 September 2008
MUSIC: Friendly Fires
Once in a while i get a record that sits on my desk for weeks cos i keep overlooking it, and then when i finally pop it in, it's pretty damn good. It sounds REALLY good when you read the album info states they laid down each instrument at a time on a laptop, with a "crappy microphone gaffer taped to a mic stand".
Friendly Fires are from the UK. It's happy sounding indie pop with some electronics. You may recognise 'On Board' as the song from the Wii Fit commercial?! Looking forward to seeing them play live!
SeeqPod - Playable Search
08 September 2008
Barracuda ban!!?
Jackson Browne also raised a fuss over the use of his song, 'Running on Empty'.
05 September 2008
Menudo ain't fine cuisine...is it?
"Rather than some arrogant American health freak, a lovely, rotund, 60-something Puerto Rican lady arrived and knocked them all off their feet with her Latin charm. And not only did the chefs share the kitchen, they also sourced nothing but the best ingredients for her feasts. "
Read the article courtesy of KITCHEN RAT.
04 September 2008
Lament on the Cheesecake Factory
Sorry for the tone of this letter, and if it sounds like a complaint, i suppose it is, although i just wanted to express my disappointment more than i wanted to actually complain. Last night, there was an issue with your computer system and this prevented our orders from being fulfilled in a timely manner. The restaurant had only a few tables of diners at 9.30pm. Our server was pleasant enough, keeping us informed of the reason why it took over twenty minutes to get our food. ...and it took a WHILE to get our drinks from the bar, too. There were lots of smiles and seemingly heartfelt apologies, but i couldn't help but notice that in the end, our table of six was forced to shrug off the issue and go 'oh well'. Bummer. i understand you are no longer the 'old' Cheesecake Factory. CF used to be a special experience, a place where i wouldn't mind if we had to wait nearly two hours for a table, cos i knew the restaurant would take care of us in most every aspect. i just wanted to let you know how much i miss the 'old' CF, where the manager would come over and offer a free appetizer, or at least make sure we had plenty of bread (no, we didn't ask for more but we weren't offered any, either...). Thanks for listening, or at least reading.oh yeah, and the music sucked about 85% of the time. (and i know i counted the number of people wrong. i just noticed that.) it makes me sad to sound old and complain about stuff.
03 September 2008
02 September 2008
The Bechdel Rule is new to me

28 August 2008
RELENTLESS: Obama, Clinton and all that stuff you've heard about...
Up until now, i had read many shorter pieces with different theories about what went right for Obama, what went wrong for Hillary, etc. etc. This story put it all together, and added a lot more research, interviews etc. Just good journalism...or at least the closest i see to most cases these days...
Oh and if you're not inclined to read, listen to a brief talk with the author on NPR.
26 August 2008
18 August 2008
learn a f(*&ing instrument!
"Blake Peebles, 16, of Raleigh, dropped out of school last year to devote
himself to playing 'Guitar Hero'." http://www.newsobserver.com/2766/story/1155589.html
12 August 2008
Spanish Olympic basketball team and slant-eyed ad...

Photo from Yahoo Sports. And here's something from the Telegraph in the UK, and the New York Times.
11 August 2008
ANOTHER Venture Brothers cocktail: Red Moco Cooler (Red Mocoa Cooler, Kooler?)
[Rusty Venture] "Red Moco/Moko Cooler! Kahlua, Hershey's syrup, and a dash of red Kool-Aid!"
[Billy Quizboy] (shuddering) "That...sounds...horrible."
---Drink from Venture Brothers episode: Orb
i don't want to be obsessed.
we only got our PS3 recently, and so i downloaded this game (it's not available otherwise) last month. you can also download it onto your PSP. it's a challenge, to say the least. and that damn music...i can't get it out of my head.
another Venture Brothers cocktail...the Sidecar.
(The Original from Harry's Bar - Paris)
1 1/2 oz. Brandy
1/2 oz. Triple Sec
1/2 oz. Lemon or Lime Juice
Combine all the ingredients in a shaker filled with ice, shake well and strain into a cocktail glass.
07 August 2008
my guilty pleasure
but i am thrilled that the top 4 dancers were ALL my favourites, with the exception of that cutie Mark! these are some of the routines i LOVED this season:
Twitch and Joshua Russian dance:
Joshua and Katee Bollywood dance:
Will and Jessica Silence dance:
03 August 2008
ANNOYING: X-Games 14 Rally coverage
on top of the sparse crowds, the co-drivers barely speak a word to the drivers. if you didn't know anything about rally, you would think the co-drivers were there just as eye candy for the drivers, or maybe as looming girlfriends who wouldn't let their b/f go out to a professional competition. in any case, in the X-Games, the co-drivers are mostly females for some reason...in fact, judging by their silence during the preliminary stages, you'd think they were just required for the tradition of it and were chosen because they weigh less than their male counterparts! here's EXPN's half-decent video homage (make that a video explanation) as to what a rally co-driver, erm, navigator's true purpose is:
there's also a less-than-enthusiastic article touting rallying as "Moto's Little Secret" (although the title makes it sound like dirty secret instead of a best-kept one...).
X-Games 14 Rally on TivO delayed telecast at home...
"cloon, smeath ride"...
28 July 2008
Entomological Marketing
many thanks to LaChe for this!!!
23 July 2008
i don't like Gene Simmons...

22 July 2008
Instant Round-Eye

Bye Bye Starbucks-es...
View Larger Map
Courtesy of a new project on SLATE.COM
21 July 2008
11 July 2008
a tribute to ACID HOUSE
this fabulous video does a hell of a job capturing the faces and the mood (and the fashions) of a burgeoning dance music scene. god i wish i was there to experience it over there. look close and see a very, very young PAUL OAKENFOLD and PETE TONG! appearances by the late Tony Wilson and superstar DJs galore...!!?
10 July 2008
FBI's Serial Murder Report

09 July 2008
d-bag revisited
remember the DOUCHIEST PHONE MESSAGE IN HISTORY? well, i thank MaMcWa for a fabulous follow-up to the story...
can Dimitri's real name be James N. Sears???! during a disciplinary hearing in med school, this guy was "judged 'immature' in a subsequent psychiatric assessment and it was noted he displayed 'inappropriate behaviour towards female staff members,' and was viewed by peers as 'un -trustworthy, cynical and narcissistic.'"
who woulda thunk??! read more here about Dimitri the Lover. and, go to his actual website and hear a radio interview with a strangely familiar voice...
03 July 2008
consommé punch...i think.
02 July 2008
01 July 2008
ok, last one, i swear.
http://view.break.com/527579 - Watch more free videos
cat lovers, beware...
another fine contribution from AlHo. don't say i didn't warn you...
those crazy japanese...
thanks to AlHo for this one.
i hope you think this is funny, and it's not just another 'asian thing'. BTW this is dedicated to JoMa and anyone else who thinks counting in foreign languages is a bizarre thing.
27 June 2008
MUSIC: Carmen Rizzo and Bajofondo
"Whether you know it or not, chances are you're already a Carmen Rizzo fan. As a musician, producer, remixer, and writer, Carmen Rizzo is a fixture in album credits, and his eclectic career has seen him working with an incredible range of artists, including Paul Oakenfold, BT, Esthero, Alanis Morissette, KD Lang to Seal, Coldplay, Pete Townsend, Ryuichi Sakamoto, and even the Cirque du Soleil."
Thanks to Spectre Promotion for that blurb. oh yeah, and don't forget his work with his 'bands' NIYAZ and LAL MERI. he's got a lot of stuff going on. awesome album.

next up is BAJOFONDO, who i believe are from Argentina, cos they are definitely a tango band playing in the electronica world. yes, everyone loves the Gotan Project, but THIS album, 'Mar Dulce' freaking blows Gotan out of the water. each song is interesting, not cheesy and necessary. and the songs keep coming: there are SEVENTEEN tracks on the album!
here are a few tracks for you to check . hope you like them! oh and you can also hear more on carmen rizzo's myspace. check out "Falling Into Place"...it's playing on MY myspace profile.
SeeqPod - Playable Search
25 June 2008
MUSIC: Big Blue Ball and Peter Gabriel too

SeeqPod - Playable Search
24 June 2008
We Are the Japan-o-World
Thanks to JoMa for this one.
Japanese We Are The World - Watch more free videos
23 June 2008
something funny
Thanks to my friend JoMa for this one.
20 June 2008
MUSIC: Erlend Øye...nothing new.
sounds too dancey? there's a LOT more that doesn't sound quite as.
SeeqPod - Playable Search
18 June 2008
Download Squad describes this site like this: "Moodstream pulls in photos from Getty Images' vast database along with music from Pump Audio's Soundtrack. If you like the current mood you can save it to your moodboard (registration required) so you can come back to it later. You also have the option of purchasing any of the images or music on the spot."
So now, here's MOODSTREAM.
It's different and weird and i already spent way too much time on it. The images are cool but the music really sucks, most of the time. The moods don't fit my description of what i would consider this or that. You tell me what you think. i still like Pandora more...and there's no interruptions.
16 June 2008
recipe for Suffering Bastard
1 oz Gin
1 oz Rum
1/2 oz Lime juice
1 dash Bitters
1 oz Ginger ale
Mixing instructions:
Pour ingredients into a glass. Stir. Drink
10 June 2008
MUSIC: N*E*R*D - Seeing Sounds

so for weeks i've seen N*E*R*D do this song on all the nighttime talk shows: "hundred dollar bills, achoo, achoo!" and now the new album, SEEING SOUNDS is out on the 10th.
i just put on the CD and already it has blown me away. the production is SO organic sounding, so warm and nice. geunine retro synth colours, not just coming out of a sound module...tons of wailing electric guitar... modern sounding r&b melodies, but definitely not in the usual keys and progressions...lots of whispered voices interjecting between phrases of the song...crazy turnarounds and bridges that go in completely unexpected directions. it is classic Neptunes' signature tech-geek-schizophrenia-turned-soul-discipile-channeling-80s-new-wave brilliance! i freaking love you guys, Chad Hugo and Pharrell. and 'Everyone Nose' is only the tip of a massive iceberg of some really innovative music.
06 June 2008
cute cat alert
my brother has rescued some kittens and two of the three siblings, approximately eight weeks old, are in need of a loving home. so, whether you are a male or female, if you think it's time to take care of a little bundle of joy, please consider adopting one, or hopefully both, of these adorable guys/gals (don't know yet)! THANK YOU!
03 June 2008
Obama has officially exceeded the number of delegates needed to secure the nomination.
And from the Huffington Post: YES, WE DID!
btw UBERZONE and CRYSTAL METHOD are playing the Monday Night Social tonight but we couldn't go cos of no car. and, Tumblr has been screwing me up lately. grrrrrrr.
29 May 2008
i heart GREEN PORNO?!??

SO bizarre! you have got to watch these freaky original film shorts from the SUNDANCE CHANNEL, starring, and apparently written and directed by the lovely Isabella Rossellini. and, she's dressed up as each of her insect subjects: a worm, a praying mantis, and even a snail.
27 May 2008
Venture Brothers preview...
i dunno if i'll be able to watch this on the Wii, but i hope you can watch this online! the new season starts on 1 June 08!!!
26 May 2008
23 May 2008
narcissism, NY Times and emily gould
AlSto called her a moron this morning, when we heard a brief interview on NPR. she certainly lacks/lacked foresight and common sense.
for your reference, i have found a site that fleshes out some of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of mental disorders criteria for narcissitic personality disorder.
22 May 2008
MUSIC: i like Scarlett Johansson, but i don't get this song.
the first single is FALLING DOWN and although the video is kind of, um, interesting, the song itself is just really, really bad. i really do like her as an actress! and i hate to write about stuff i don't like...but this song just sucks.
19 May 2008
MUSIC: Rob Dickinson
and now he has a new album coming out called Fresh Wine for the Horses. here's the first single from the record:
14 May 2008
me & richard b...again.
12 May 2008

Then, imagine production headed by Ken Thomas of Cocteau Twins fame, and Ewan Pearson, dance music guy... sounds pretty freaking cool.
Also, this time i have a new feature i'd like to try out. Let me know if it works:
09 May 2008
08 May 2008
ANOTHER crazy Japanese game show...
"...The goal: To make it through a Japanese tongue twister without screwing up. The penalty: A swift wack to the groin with the slap-o-matic 2000." Thanks to my friend JePaJu for this one.
thanks to AlHo for yet another fascinating video i can't stop watching... please note the change at :29, as AlHo was considerate enough to point out!
i may be a vegetarian, but i still love the smell of bacon.
"Believe me, if obtaining bacon didn't require slaughtering a pig, I'd have a BLT in each hand right now with a bacon layer cake waiting in the fridge for dessert."
"...allow me a quick word with the hardworking chefs at America's dining establishments. We really appreciate that you included a vegetarian option on your menu (and if you didn't, is our money not green?), but it may interest you to know that most of us are not salad freaks on a grim slog for nourishment. We actually enjoy food, especially the kind that tastes good. So enough with the bland vegetable dishes, and, for God's sake, please make the Gardenburgers stop; it's stunning how many restaurants lavish unending care on their meat dishes yet are content to throw a flavorless hockey puck from Costco into the microwave and call it cuisine."
"As you're enjoying that pork loin next to me, I am not silently judging you. I realize that anyone who has encountered the breed of smug vegetarian who says things like, "I can hear your lunch screaming," will find this tough to believe, but I'm honestly not out to convert you. My girlfriend and my closest pals all eat meat, and they'll affirm that I've never even raised an eyebrow about it. "
AMEN! except change 'girlfriend' to 'husband'.
and just as i thought the entire article would speak for me, i read about how Mr. Clark wears leather. bummer. it's still pretty close.
07 May 2008
you found WHAT in there???!
if you know me, you know i work in inflight entertainment, which is the 'industry' way of saying media and stuff that goes on airplanes. my department puts music on planes, for example. however, i find myself more often a passenger or consumer on an airplane, rather than a person who is researching stuff for my work. and passengers put their own stuff on planes...
all this because i heard a crazy story on NPR today, about what was found in seatback pockets of airplanes. an interesting thing of note was that the grossest stuff was usually in the pocket behind the middle seat...
the story interviewed writer Scott McCartney. "You'll never look at, or reach into, an airline seat-back pocket the same after reading this. Besides being a repository for magazines, newspapers, books, iPods and air-sickness bags, seatback pockets get stuffed with all kinds of disgusting trash, from toenail clippings to mushy meals."
read about what other nastiness you can find, courtesy of the Wall Street Journal's 'The Middle Seat' column.
01 May 2008
two weeks ago or more...
love and rockets at the glass house in pomona: 22/4/08 - very cool, lots of old songs, bad sound but it was fixed, lyric cheat sheet during 'Haunted', LOTS of forty-somethings (i think) dressed in black, friendly drunk people in the parking lot and outside of the venue
san francisco/burlingame & VA: 24/4/08 - flew up at 8.30, plane was dark and had no inflight entertainment (IFE), drink coupon, took sheraton shuttle to VA office, meeting with new IFE content director, mexican food & mole enchiladas, return flight had IFE, used drink coupon, met writer Benji 'from Rolling Stone' (who i did see at Battles at Coachella the next day), came home at 5pm, nearly lost my ticket for parking lot, paid maximum of $30 anyway.
portishead: 24/4/08 - 'rehearsal show' at the Mayan, talking to guy in line (Dustin) who ended up being a Chapman student and turns out went on choir tour with me years ago but who is now super cool and funny and a writer, met people from DMX in line: Ken/Kenkai, Dave, cute English guy who replaced Boris, show was good but sounded pretty much exactly like the records, good crowd.
14th wedding anniversary: 25/4/08 - i love you, alx!!! we spent it at the first day of coachella.
coachella: 25/4/08 - BATTLES was awesome and i can't believe they pulled off what they did cos they played everything live but it was hot and hard to see cos we could barely get inside the tent, FREELAND was great as you have read in my previous posts, it was really difficult to find/connect with BriKa and his g/f Da because they didn't get inside until quite late, the RACONTEURS were freaking fantastic and i wish we had stayed for their entire set, APHEX TWIN played a sick sick set with some abstract stuff then classic acid house and then super dark noisy breakbeat for nearly an hour!!!!
coachella day 2: ...
you gotta sign a contract to join the church of scientology
at the end of the article, there was a link to this Church of Scientology Religious Services Enrollment Application, Agreement and General Release . i haven't read the entire thing yet.
crazy. my next question is, what about children who are born in to it? at what age do they have to sign it themselves?
30 April 2008
RIP Albert Hofmann

Jan 11, 1906 - Apr 29, 2008
29 April 2008
Roger Waters (& Obama!) continued...
The underside of the pig read “Obama” with a checked ballot box alongside, referring to Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill.
A stunt during Waters' performance drew criticism. A small aircraft dropped small slips of paper confetti that read “Obama” with a checked ballot box over the crowd. The confetti managed to spread within a 2-mile radius and into the yards of dozens of homes in Indio and La Quinta, Indio police spokesman Ben Guitron said.
“I've been addressing complaints from residents all day,” he said. Guitron said Waters' management was responsible for the Obama confetti and not Goldenvoice, the company that produces Coachella Fest. “Goldenvoice although not responsible... has offered to help with the cleanup,” Guitron said. “I can tell you we (Indio police) will be addressing this issue with Roger Waters' management.”
Courtesy of the San Diego Union Tribune.
i love how much English musicians seem to care more about the outcome of our November election than a lot of Americans!!!
help find ROGER WATERS' PIG!!!!
Courtesy of NiPe of RED in New York...
27 April 2008
MUSIC: coachella part 2
Ricky Wilson of the Kaiser Chiefs sang on 'Oh My God' and KENNA, of course, sounded fantastic and got the crowd going with his version of 'Just'. turns out there the biggest surprise of the evening, for me ('twouldn't have been a surprise if i lived on the coachella forum cos they've been talking about this for weeks now...), was the Charlatans' TIM BURGESS' guest appearance for the 'Only One I Know'. he looks like he wears a wig now. kinda creepy. i'll look online for some video or something. i'll also try to post the setlist once i get it scanned.
sasha and digweed really sounded amazing, and the crowd was really really into it. unfortunately our tired butts only half-danced, half-sat during their set.
we suck. we didn't stay for prince. SO TIRED. and today, i'm sore.
26 April 2008
MUSIC: coachella part 1 - freeland and obama
he's a fantastic DJ, kickass remixer and a pretty good producer, but the thing i like the most about him is how politically aware he is. in fact, i feel he has used his production skills to gain his reputation for being a political dance music artist. anyway... i could say a lot about his set last night but the best part was when he segued from an anti-george bush portion in the music (pretty de rigeur for freeland) into an "O-B, A,M,A" tune that freaking rocked. after getting the entire crowd (mostly) to chant the letters, the music broke into a computer-similated voice, stating, "you are correct!". this was punctuated by an LCD ticker running under his turntable coffin, reminding everyone to vote, to vote at least for someone. awesome. pretty cool for a music artist to do, especially since he's English, but now living in L.A.
i wonder if he's a citizen now, and thus able to vote?
BTW the 'propaganda' caption is not mine...
23 April 2008
MUSIC: Juan Diego Florez sings first encore at Met Opera in 14 years
But then Florez did something that hasn't been done at the Met in 14 years—he sang the aria again. " (Courtesy of NPR Music)
if you listen to the encore, he's kinda running out of steam toward the final part of the aria but he still hits that beautiful high C at the end! it's weird but if you listen to the interview, you'll hear about all these weird rules the Met has discouraging encores of this kind. silly americans. now if only orange county audiences would stop applauding between movements at the symphony...
21 April 2008
if you still like that winehouse thing...

i hate police and other tails
ok so some things happened this weekend i'd rather not talk about, but i also booked a couple to marry, on the spot at our meeting, so that is a GOOD thing.
we didn't go to the Long Beach Grand Prix this year.
ALSO the coachella scheduler thing is up: http://coachella.com/scheduler/scheduler.php
oh yeah, and we're going to see LOVE AND ROCKETS at the glass house tomorrow night!!!! i think PORTISHEAD is playing in l.a. as a warm up to coachella, but i still have no confirmation to the rumour. now, if only APHEX TWIN would play an off-show, our weekend would be complete. and i wouldn't be completely bummed for not getting in to Coachella.
19 April 2008
echochrome and ufc 83
the bad news is, ECHOCHROME is not available for wide release for the PSP in the US... i don't know what this means, exactly, for its release for the PS3, either...
if you know me, you know how much i hate traditional video games but i really, really dig party games, alternative interfaces and those brainiac types of games... echochrome was the one game i was so looking forward to!
17 April 2008
i don't know what art is
then, i heard about GUILLERMO VARGAS HABACUC. he supposedly starved a dog to death in an art gallery. digusted and shocked, i looked him up online to learn more about this guy. no, i didn't view any of the supposed live video on YouTube. but i did read a statement about how he was trying to raise awareness of the cruelty of leaving dogs to starve to death on their own in the streets of Honduras...or something like that. and i kind of agreed with him, that it's hypocritical of people to be outraged by his supposed treatment of this dog, when there are hundreds constantly dying on the streets themselves. and then, i read about how the artist actually cared for the dog and allowed it to run free for all but the three hours it was in the gallery.
god i hate how i jump to conclusions.
finally, i heard about ALIZA SHVARTS and her senior project for Yale Art school. seems like she supposedly artifically inseminated herself and gave herself abortive drugs. to make an art project.
oh yeah, that debate last night sucked.